How to Make a Minecraft Server?

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Written By Allan Brooks

Minecraft enthusiast sharing insights on servers, hosts, and crafting epic gaming experiences.

Setting up a Minecraft server grants you complete control over both the in-game world and the technical side of things. With admin commands, you can teleport, generate items, adjust the time of day, and do many other tasks.

To make a Minecraft server, you need to download the server software from the official Minecraft website, create a folder to store the server files and run the server.jar file.

In this tutorial, you will learn about building your own Minecraft server requirements, and different types of servers, let’s get started and build your own, Minecraft server for some immense gameplay. 

Step 1: Getting Minecraft Ready

To embark on your Minecraft server journey, let’s kick things off by preparing the game itself. Follow these simple steps:

1.1 Download the Minecraft Launcher- Head over to the official website to get your hands on the Minecraft launcher. This nifty tool acts as your gateway to the game.

1.2 Install Minecraft Launcher- Depending on your operating system, run either MinecraftInstaller.exe (for Windows) or Minecraft.dmg (for MacOS). The installer will fetch the necessary files and prompt you to launch the game when it’s ready.

1.3 Sign In with Your Microsoft Account- Accessing the game requires a Microsoft account with a Minecraft purchase. Log in using your account details to dive into the pixelated realm.

1.4 Ensure You’re Up to Date Inside the Minecraft Launcher, make sure you’re playing the latest version of the game. In the left column, select “MINECRAFT: Java Edition” and ensure you’re launching the “Latest” release. At the time of writing, we’re looking at Minecraft version 1.19.2, so that’s the one we’re focusing on here.

1.5 Let’s Play! Click the “Play” button. Once you’re on the main menu, you can close the game and move on to the next step.

Step 2: Java Installation and Update

When you are running your own Minecraft server it requires the latest Java version, In the below steps you will be going through the checks and installation process for the latest Java version, to make it utilized for the Minecraft server: 

2.1 Check Your Java Version (Windows)

  • Open a command prompt by searching for “cmd” in the start menu search bar.
  • Type “java -version” and hit enter. If Java is present, it will display the version number.

2.2 Check Your Java Version (MacOS)

  • Open Terminal via Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  • Type “java -version” and hit return. Take note of the installed Java version.

2.3 Getting the Right Java Version For a Minecraft 1.19.2 server, you need Java build 19. X.X or higher. If you’ve got the correct version, great! If not, no worries:

2.3.1 Installing Java 19

  • Head to the Java Development Kit (JDK) website and find “Java 19.”
  • Download the suitable file for your operating system (the installer version is recommended).
  • Run the installer, follow the prompts, and let Java do its thing. If asked, you might need to remove any previous versions.

2.3.2 Ready to Roll Once the installation is complete, you can close the installer. You’re now all set to continue your Minecraft server journey with the right Java version in your corner.

Step 3: Fetch the Server .jar File

Now that you’ve got your essentials set up, it’s time to snag the official server file. Follow these steps to get your hands on it:

3.1 Download the Server File

Head over to the Minecraft website and download the official server file. Make sure the version matches your installed Minecraft version, which is 1.19.2 in this case.

3.2 Store it Smartly

Save the server.jar file somewhere easily accessible. The default Downloads folder works just fine.

Step 4: Set Up Your Minecraft Server Space

Creating a snug spot for your Minecraft server is next on the list. Here’s how to go about it:

4.1 Make a Dedicated Folder

Craft a fresh folder for your server. Anywhere you prefer, we suggest a spot that’s easy to reach, like your Desktop or Documents folder. Give it a name that spells out its purpose, like “Minecraft Server.”

4.2 File Relocation

Cut, paste, or do the click-and-drag dance with the server.jar file. Move it from its initial spot to the cozy confines of your Minecraft Server folder.

Step 5: First Steps into Server Territory

Brace yourself for the first steps into server management. We’re here to guide you through it:

5.1 Unveil the Command Arena (Windows)

For Windows users, open Command Prompt. Just type “cmd” into the start menu search bar.

5.2 Uncover Terminal (MacOS)

Mac folks, you’ll need Terminal. Locate it through Finder > Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

5.3 Command Your Way

Type “cd” followed by the path to your Minecraft Server folder. For example, if your server hub lives in the Documents directory, the command would look like this for Windows:

cd C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Documents\Minecraft Server

5.4 Ignite the Server

Time to fire up the server! Type this command:

java -jar server.jar –nogui

5.5 Sealing the EULA Deal

Before the server truly springs to life, we need to sort out the End User License Agreement. Shut the server down using the /stop command. Find the Minecraft Server folder, track down the eula.txt file, and give it a click.

5.6 EULA Transformation

Edit the last line from “eula=false” to “eula=true.” Save and close the file.

Step 6: Restart and Revel in Success

With the groundwork laid, let’s proceed to ensure everything’s running smoothly:

6.1 Reboot the Engine

Time to fire up the server again with this command:

java -jar server.jar

6.2 Permission Granted

You might encounter a firewall prompt—just grant the server access.

6.3 Visual Insights

A GUI window will appear, displaying server data on the right and player activity on the left.

6.4 Ready to Roll

The server should be up and kicking now, accessible from your current machine. Test this by launching Minecraft, choosing Multiplayer, Direct Connection, and typing “localhost.”

6.5 Connection Achieved

Upon successful connection, your username should grace the “Players” tab in the server GUI.

Step 7: Convenience at Your Fingertips

Why go through the same steps repeatedly? Let’s automate it:

7.1 Windows Wizardry: Batch File

For Windows, craft a batch file. Right-click your Minecraft Server folder, navigate to New, and opt for Text File. Rename it to “start.bat” and edit. Insert the magic command:

java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar server.jar

7.2 Mac Marvel: Shell Script

Mac users, it’s shell script time. In the Minecraft Server folder, create a text file named “” In it, input:


cd “$(dirname “$0″)”

exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar server.jar

7.3 Ignition Sequence

In Terminal, navigate to the correct folder and run this command: chmod a+x start. sh

7.4 One-Click Wonder

From now on, simply double-click the command file, and your server will spring to life like a well-trained pet.

What Are the Requirements for Setting Up a Minecraft Server?

It requires some of the major things mentioned below for setting up a Minecraft Server, apart from a desktop/laptop configuration.  

  1. Install the Minecraft game– This is the first thing you should do. Your server playground has this as its base.
  1. Install Java correctly– Check that Java is installed as Java is essential to Minecraft servers, acting as the structure of the online world.
  1. Sufficient Internet and gear– It’s important to have reliable internet and sturdy gear, Consider them to be the propulsion systems for the adventures of your server.

What Are the Different Types of Minecraft Servers?

An overview of the various Minecraft server configurations is provided below, along with pertinent examples:

  1. Online servers

Players from all around the world join and cooperate via the Internet. Hypixel and Mineplex are two examples.

  1. Offline Servers

Local play only; requires no internet connection. Single-Player Mode and Local Split-Screen, for instance

  1. LAN Servers

Players nearby join the same network. as in the case of setting up a home network and a workplace network.

  1. Dedicated Servers

Independent configurations are used only to host Minecraft games. Realms and Aternos are two examples.

The several ways to use Minecraft’s multiplayer capabilities are made possible through these server versions.

How Do I Install and Configure a Minecraft Server?

Installing and setting up a Minecraft server involves the following steps:

  • Install the server software by downloading it from the official Minecraft website or another reputable website.
  • The file can be edited to set the server’s settings. In the same folder where your server software is located, you’ll get a file. You can edit this file using any text editor.
  • Now, let’s set up an IP address and do some port forwarding. To play Minecraft, you need to forward TCP port “25565”. Additionally, the output or server IP for this forwarded port should be changed to your server’s local IP address.
  • For standalone setups designed specifically for hosting Minecraft games, you can open the Command Prompt (CMD) and type “ipconfig,” then press enter. This will reveal your server’s local IP address. Consider services like Aternos and Realms as good examples for this setup.

How Do I Add Plugins and Mods to My Minecraft Server?

Here are the procedures for finding and downloading mods and plugins for Minecraft:

  1. Go online and look for Minecraft mods. Online, you may get Minecraft mods from a variety of sources
  2. You can download a mod by clicking on it
  3. Go to the place where the mod download file is located
  4. Delete or duplicate the mod file
  5. Go to the folder where the Minecraft application is located
  6. Choose the “mods” folder
  7. Paste the mod into the Mods directory

For Installing and configuring plugins and mods, try the below steps:

  1. Enter the FTP File Access from the main panel page’s left-hand menu
  2. Create or find the mods folder here, then click to get there
  3. In the top left corner, click the Upload button
  4. Drag and drop the modification
  5. Return to the main panel page and restart the server after the upload has reached 100%

How Do I Manage Permissions on My Minecraft Server?

All users have permission level 0, moderator level 1, gamemaster level 2, admin level 3, and owner level 4.

  • A minecart or command block with a command block has permission level 2.
  • A server’s console has permissions set to level 4.
  • Although it can be altered in, a function has permission level 2.

For a player,

  • In a dedicated server, a player’s permission level is stated in the ops file if they are an operator, and specifies the permission level’s default value.
  • The authorization level is set to 4 if the player is in a single-player world or is the owner of a LAN world and cheats are enabled.
  • In LAN games where cheating is permitted, authorization level 4 is used.
  • If not, the authorization level is 0.

Configuring permission plugins:

  • Download a permission plugin and install it.
  • Edit the configuration files to set the plugin’s settings. Using any text editor, you can edit these files.
  • By making changes to the configuration files, you can grant players and groups permissions.

How Do I Whitelist and Blacklist Players on My Minecraft Server?

Through your server, you can turn whitelisting on or off. file with properties. You may manage this without directly modifying the file by going to the Config Files page in Multicraft, which is accessible from your panel by selecting Files > Config Files.

After you’ve enabled whitelisting on your server, you must add players so that they can join.

  • The command “/whitelist add <musername>” adds a player to the whitelist
  • A player gets taken from the whitelist by using this command. When the whitelist is enabled, this will stop them from joining your server.- “/whitelist remove<username>”

Similarly, Use the commands /ban player> to add a player to the blacklist and /pardon player> to remove a player from the blacklist to add or remove players from the blacklist on the Minecraft server.

How Do I Make My Minecraft Server Online and Offline?

The server characteristics must be set up for online mode to make your Minecraft server online or offline. Changing the online-mode property in the file will accomplish this. Set the value of online way to true if you wish to make your server available online. Set the online-mode property’s value to false to turn your server offline.

The actions to take are as follows:

  • Put an end to your Minecraft server
  • Click Files after logging into your Multicraft panel
  • To log in, select FTP Files Access
  • Press the server button, then select Edit in the properties file
  • Choose whether you want your server to be online or offline by changing the value of the online mode attribute from false to true
  • Save the document

Following these steps, you can make the server online or offline. 

How Do I Connect to My Minecraft Server?

1. Finding Your Server’s IP Address:

You can simply get the address to connect if someone else is hosting. But if you are the host go to a website like “”, and you can find it there. 

2. Multiplayer Fun with LAN:

Fire up your LAN and press Escape when your friends are nearby. It will create a shared venture and your friends can easily join your game from the list generated. 

3. Embrace a Dedicated Server:

All the dedicated server have their addresses. You can directly share it with your friends. To connect it you just have to add the server’s IP.

What Are Some Common Problems with Minecraft Servers and How Do I Troubleshoot Them?

1. Server Not Starting:

Sometimes, it’s due to low system resources, outdated software, or setup errors.

Solutions: Restart the server, update the software, or give it more resources.

2. Connection Issues:

If you can’t connect, it might be the address, network, or firewall causing trouble.

Solutions: Restart the modem/router, check the online service status, review the firewall, wait a bit, or ask the network admin.

 Also, refresh the server list, log out and in, and double-check error messages.

3. Conflicting Mods and Plugins:

If mods or plugins are acting up, they might be clashing.

Solutions: Disable them one by one to spot the problem-causer.

4. Performance Problems:

Lag or slow loading? It could be limited resources or network hiccups.

Solutions: Boost resources, tweak server settings, or investigate network issues.