Can you Host your Own ARK Server?

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Written By Allan Brooks

Minecraft enthusiast sharing insights on servers, hosts, and crafting epic gaming experiences.

So you’ve just bought yourself a copy of ARK: Survival Evolved and now you want to play with your friends. You could rent an official server from the devlopers, but that can get pricey depending on how many friends you have playing. Or, if you’re savvy enough, you could host your own! Read on to find out what it takes to run your very own Ark Server.

So can you host your own ARK server? You can host your own Ark server. To host a personal ARK server, you need to follow these steps:

  • To connect to your ARK server, you’ll need a copy of the game’s client software.
  • All of the Ark server’s criteria must be met before you may connect.
  • It’s imperative that you keep your software up-to-date.
  • Accept all License agreements when installing Steam cmd.
  • Make an ark user for your server application and remember it.
  • Configure your system to meet the needs of the ark server.
  • Make server files on the computer and then install the Ark Server with rapid setup.
  • In the batch file, you have the option of using various codes.
  • The ini-file should be named ShooterGameSaved, and it should be specified by the user.

I’m sure everyone who has played Ark has wanted their own server at some point and while there are lots of amazing servers out there already its actually really easy and affordable to set up one yourself!

The first step is getting a good PC that’s capable of running the game smoothly

ARK: Survival Evolved is a first-person shooter and action game famous all around the world. There are a lot of platforms where you may play this game and enjoy its excitement. You may play this game in first-person or third-person mode, which is fantastic.

An ARK server is a computer that hosts the ARK: Survival, which other players can connect to and use. The wildcard is the host of its public servers, which are open to the public. There are a lot of people out there who operate their own servers and make them available to the general public.

This post is for you if you enjoy playing ARK: Survival Evolved and don’t want to rely on third-party suppliers to run your ARK server.

Creating, setting up, and running your own ARK dedicated server will be more time consuming, but it will be considerably less expensive than purchasing a dedicated server from a hosting provider.

We will guide you about whether you can host your own ARK server and how you can do it. So read the interesting article below.

Host Your Own ARK Server

In this digital environment and growing gaming scene, you can now host your own ARK server for free. If you own good hardware and knowledge to host a server, you can easily do it for yourself. Making an ARK server from scratch is more complex, but it is also far less expensive than purchasing hosting. The only expenses you’ll have are for electricity and internet if you use existing hardware. Now let us jump to see what all things you will be required to do if you plan to host your own ARK server.

Requirements for Hosting Dedicated ARK Server

There are certain requirements that you need to fulfill if you want to host your personal ARK Server. So here is the list of the most important things that you will require:

High-End RAM

High storage RAM is one of the most necessary elements you must own if you want to successfully host your personal ARK server and enjoy the lag-free gaming experience. To keep your server running smoothly, you’ll need at least 6GB of RAM. The similar trend continues as the number of players increases, even if your server only has room for 100 players.

A Hefty Operating System

Ideally, you’ll be running a 64-bit operating system on your computer. To execute the server, you need a 64-bit operating system. Without it, you’ll waste time troubleshooting.

You’ll have to meet distinct software requirements regardless of whether you use Windows or Linux as your operating system. Microsoft Visual C++ distributable and a DIRECT X setup file are required for use on Windows. In the meanwhile, the steam command-line interface will need to be installed and executed on 32-bit Linux servers. In order to run smoothly, the game server needs Ubuntu 14.04 or newer, as well as Debian 8. Using an older version of Debian, such as Debian 7, will not meet all of the requirements. In addition to this, Glibc 2.14 or higher may be needed as well.

Higher Bandwidth

You’ll need an internet connection with upload rates of at least 10 Mbps and preferably much more. As a general rule, the more people you have, the more bandwidth you’ll need. When playing on the same PC as your server, there is a chance of experiencing stutter and frame drops; for this reason, it is preferable to play the game on an entirely different PC.

Best Network

Ensure that your network configuration permits inbound connections to these ports. As an extra precaution, you should also point them to the host that’s hosting your dedicated server. However, if you’re utilizing these servers for gaming or performance rather than testing, it’s critical to keep an eye on CPU and memory utilization.

So the above listed are the main requirements that you need to fulfill to successfully host a personal ARK Server.

Which is Better Hosting a Personal Server or Buying ARK Server?

Making an ARK server from scratch is more complex, but it is also far less expensive than purchasing hosting. The only expenses you’ll have are for electricity and internet if you use existing hardware. As an alternative, you can save money by renting a Virtual Private Server (VPS) instead of an ARK server. However, before you dive in headfirst, weigh the benefits and drawbacks. Almost all server-related decisions will be in your hands. That means you’ll be responsible for keeping it up-to-date, fixing it, and backing it up on a regular basis. If you’re hosting from home, you’ll have to accept that you probably won’t be able to accommodate 250 gamers at once or even 100 at the most. Your computer’s specs and an internet connection will determine how well you can use the program. In the event you intend to go serious, a VPS is frequently the greatest option. Using your own or a spare computer may be appealing, but the hardware requirements for large servers may cost more than hosting fees, and they have less uptime and dedicated support. Despite the fact that they offer the same degree of flexibility and freedom, they can be surprisingly inexpensive.

Steps to Host Personal ARK Server

To host a personal ARK server, you need to follow these steps:

  • To connect to your ARK server, you’ll need a copy of the game’s client software.
  • All of the Ark server’s criteria must be met before you may connect.
  • It’s imperative that you keep your software up-to-date.
  • Accept all License agreements when installing Steam cmd.
  • Make an ark user for your server application and remember it.
  • Configure your system to meet the needs of the ark server.
  • Make server files on the computer and then install the Ark Server with rapid setup.
  • In the batch file, you have the option of using various codes.
  • The ini-file should be named ShooterGameSaved, and it should be specified by the user.

All necessary configurations may be installed with a single mouse click. Professionals have unrestricted access to any and all software files. For weak signals, there are seven modern data concentrators accessible around the world. You have complete freedom to switch between the currently active game and others at any time.

Final Words

It can be clearly concluded that you can host your personal ARK Server without any interruption if you fulfill the above-listed requirements and follow the steps mentioned above. It totally depends on you whether you want to host your personal ARK server or want to get a subscription to third-party servers. So choose your option and start enjoying your game.

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